[Solved] Mandelbrot Set pixelation, failed to solve with BigDecimal.

Started by Jameth13, March 25, 2014, 14:27:30

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I am trying to render the Mandelbrot Set. I have implemented it successfully with this code using doubles:

public class MandelbrotSetDouble {
	private int width;
	private int height;
	private double x, y, xc, yc, tmp;
	public MandelbrotSetDouble(int width, int height) {
		this.width = width;
		this.height = height;
	public ArrayList<Tuple3Int> loop(double zoom, double offSetX, double offSetY, int maxIter) {

		ArrayList<Tuple3Int> list = new ArrayList<Tuple3Int>();

		for (int ix = 0; ix < width; ix++) {
			for (int iy = 0; iy < height; iy++) {
				x = y = 0;
				xc = ((ix - (width / 2)) / zoom) + offSetX;
				yc = ((iy - (height / 2)) / zoom) + offSetY;
				for (int iter = 0; iter < maxIter; iter++) {
					if (((x * x) + (y * y)) < 4) {
						tmp = x * x - y * y + xc;
						y = 2.0 * x * y + yc;
						x = tmp;
						list.add(new Tuple3Int(ix, iy, iter));
		return list;	

Then I converted all the code to using BigDecimal so I could render deeper into the Mandelbrot Set:
public class MandelbrotSetBD {
	private int width;
	private int height;
	private int scale = 32;
	private int round = 0;
	private BigDecimal x = new BigDecimal("0").setScale(scale, round);
	private BigDecimal y = new BigDecimal("0").setScale(scale, round);
	private BigDecimal xc = new BigDecimal("0").setScale(scale, round);
	private BigDecimal yc = new BigDecimal("0").setScale(scale, round);
	private BigDecimal temp1 = new BigDecimal("0").setScale(scale, round);
	private BigDecimal temp2 = new BigDecimal("0").setScale(scale, round);
	private BigDecimal four = new BigDecimal("4").setScale(scale, round);
	private BigDecimal two = new BigDecimal("2").setScale(scale, round);
	public MandelbrotSetBD(int width, int height) {
		this.width = width;
		this.height = height;
	public ArrayList<Tuple3Int> loop(String zoom, String offSetX, String offSetY, int maxIter) {
		System.out.println("Starting generating Mandelbrot Set using BigDecimal with scale=" + scale + "...");
		ArrayList<Tuple3Int> list = new ArrayList<Tuple3Int>();
		BigDecimal offSetXbd = new BigDecimal(offSetX);
		BigDecimal offSetYbd = new BigDecimal(offSetY);
		BigDecimal zoombd = new BigDecimal(zoom);
		BigDecimal ixbd;
		BigDecimal iybd;
		BigDecimal widthbd;
		BigDecimal heightbd;
		for (int ix = 0; ix < width; ix++) {
			for (int iy = 0; iy < height; iy++) {

				ixbd = new BigDecimal(String.valueOf(ix));
				iybd = new BigDecimal(String.valueOf(iy));
				widthbd = new BigDecimal(String.valueOf(width));
				heightbd = new BigDecimal(String.valueOf(height));
				x = new BigDecimal("0").setScale(scale, round);
				y = new BigDecimal("0").setScale(scale, round);
				xc = ixbd.subtract(widthbd.divide(two));
				xc = xc.multiply(zoombd);
				xc = xc.add(offSetXbd);
				yc = iybd.subtract(heightbd.divide(two));
				yc = yc.multiply(zoombd);
				yc = yc.add(offSetYbd);
				for (int iter = 0; iter < maxIter; iter++) {

					temp1 = x.multiply(x).setScale(scale, round);
					temp1 = temp1.add(y.multiply(y)).setScale(scale, round);
					if (temp1.compareTo(four) == -1) {
						temp2 = x.multiply(x).setScale(scale, round).subtract(y.multiply(y).setScale(scale, round)).setScale(scale, round).add(xc).setScale(scale, round);
						y = two.multiply(x).setScale(scale, round).multiply(y).setScale(scale, round).add(yc).setScale(scale, round);
						x = temp2.setScale(scale, round);
						list.add(new Tuple3Int(ix, iy, iter));
		return list;	

With the scale set to 32 it should be twice as accurate as a double but it pixelates at the EXACT same point. Even when I change the scale to anywhere from 16 to 64 it makes NO DIFFERENCE.
I am completely stumped.
I can't run the code without scaling the BigDecimals because it takes far too long to compute the set.

I think I must have a bottleneck somewhere that is stopping me from seeing the benefits from using BigDeciomal but I can't find it.

Thank you in advance for any of your suggestions,

For those who are interested, you can download the latest version of my Mandelbrot Set generator here:
Please let me know what you think so far!
(This version is using doubles.)


I honestly have no idea how, but I've fixed it! :D
I was messing around, trying to debug it when it just worked all of a sudden.
I can now render the Mandelbrot Set as deep as I am willing to wait for.

Here is the latest version, if you're interested:

I will leave the thread open, feedback welcome!
