Help Drawing Multiple Quads w/ GL11? [RESOLVED]

Started by SELame, December 01, 2013, 06:10:04

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Hey, sorry for such a newbish question. I'm new to both openGL and LWJGL, and I'm trying to make an extremely simple game in which the user selects some options from a menu and gets a result based on those options (think Princess Maker or GRoW). I plan to have 3 quads: the menu, an informational sidebar, and an image of something. For now, I just want static images.

I can position each quad correctly on the screen individually, but I'm running into some trouble when I try to create multiple quads. I just get a black screen.

If someone can just point me in the right direction, that'd be extremely appreciated.


You could start with showing us your code, then we could tell you what went wrong or what might be an issue.


Also make sure you are checking for an OpenGL error with glGetError(), because this sounds like one of those kind of problems.


Are you sure you end your draw call with glEnd()?

Also , consider learning modern opengl , because most of the gl11 commands are depreciated , and removed in core opengl 3.>


f*ck it, I'm just gonna make a text game and work my way up from there. This is all way over my head.

I appreciate all the help, though. Thanks!


Don't abandon this fast , it's probably just in your code , and believe , worst is waiting for you ...