Strange mouse behavior

Started by dogsbyte, August 26, 2011, 19:34:04

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I have a first person style camera setup and a simple 3d view.  On one PC I am able to navigate and walk around with no problems at all using keyboard and mouse.  Everything works as intended.

I tried the code on my laptop.  Works fine there as well.

Then I put the code on yet another PC and everything is fine until I use the keyboard.  If I just use the mouse to look around, everything is normal but if I hit any key on the keyboard, my mouse becomes completely erratic and overly sensitive.  I commented out all the code that accesses the keyboard and I still see the same behavior if I press any key on the keyboard.  Is this a bug of some sort in lwjgl?

I'm lost as to what could be happening.  I have three PC's and it works perfect on 2 out of 3.  They are all Windows machines.  Laptop is Vista, Windows machines are W7 x64