LWJGL with WinXP and software rendering

Started by gtom79, July 05, 2011, 05:52:15

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Hi Folks,

I'm new to LWJGL and started using it as a replacement for java3d to get rid on some performance issues.
As far as it concerns the performance I'm 100% satisfied  :P but I have some troubles getting it running on machines with limited graphic capabilities.
The requirement:
- The application using SWT.
- I need to run it on a windows machine, and I have to access the whole thing over remote desktop.

Currently I'm completely lost, since the application seems to run correctly, however I see only a gray window (without remote desktop and with hardware acceleration is everything ok. It runs on other platforms too).
I've already tried using the switch:
but it has no affect.

If debug messages are turned off I see the following written by LWJGL:

Could not locate symbol glGetStringi
Could not locate symbol glClientAttribDefaultEXT
Could not locate symbol glPushClientAttribDefaultEXT
Could not locate symbol glMatrixLoadfEXT
Could not locate symbol glMatrixLoaddEXT
Could not locate symbol glMatrixMultfEXT
Could not locate symbol glMatrixMultdEXT
Could not locate symbol glMatrixLoadIdentityEXT
Could not locate symbol glMatrixRotatefEXT
Could not locate symbol glMatrixRotatedEXT
Could not locate symbol glMatrixScalefEXT
Could not locate symbol glMatrixScaledEXT
Could not locate symbol glMatrixTranslatefEXT
Could not locate symbol glMatrixTranslatedEXT
Could not locate symbol glMatrixOrthoEXT
Could not locate symbol glMatrixFrustumEXT
Could not locate symbol glMatrixPushEXT
Could not locate symbol glMatrixPopEXT
Could not locate symbol glTextureParameteriEXT
Could not locate symbol glTextureParameterivEXT
Could not locate symbol glTextureParameterfEXT
Could not locate symbol glTextureParameterfvEXT
Could not locate symbol glTextureImage1DEXT
Could not locate symbol glTextureImage2DEXT
Could not locate symbol glTextureSubImage1DEXT
Could not locate symbol glTextureSubImage2DEXT
Could not locate symbol glCopyTextureImage1DEXT
Could not locate symbol glCopyTextureImage2DEXT
Could not locate symbol glCopyTextureSubImage1DEXT
Could not locate symbol glCopyTextureSubImage2DEXT
Could not locate symbol glGetTextureImageEXT
Could not locate symbol glGetTextureParameterfvEXT
Could not locate symbol glGetTextureParameterivEXT
Could not locate symbol glGetTextureLevelParameterfvEXT
Could not locate symbol glGetTextureLevelParameterivEXT
GL_EXT_direct_state_access was reported as available but an entry point is missing
Could not locate symbol glPrimitiveRestartNV
Could not locate symbol glPrimitiveRestartIndexNV
GL_NV_primitive_restart was reported as available but an entry point is missing

but I do not know (resp. I can not find any further info) how to resolve this issue.

Has anybody some clue on this?

Thanks in advance



I think the problem is that when you're running it through remote desktop you get a software only ICD. Whats the output of:


It seems that LWJGL tries using the generic GDI:

GL_VENDOR: Microsoft Corporation

Is there a possibility to use mesa for rendering?


Actually I found another topic where the same question was discussed (mesa). I also do have the solution now, and mesa works fine with lwjgl!
The other topic is: http://lwjgl.org/forum/index.php/topic,2554.0.html