Where can I learn how to use lwjgl?

Started by poke1103, May 02, 2010, 20:32:39

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Where can I learn how to use lwjgl?


there are a few examples on the wiki however you will probably need more information.

lwjgl is just practically a binding to OpenGL and OpenAL so following any tutorials for those (like nehe http://nehe.gamedev.net/) should be easily applicable to lwjgl.

you should also try a simple game making tutorial like this one http://www.cokeandcode.com/asteroidstutorial
it'll show you the basics

it is also very important if you really want to learn is join a java gaming community, this will help you get going quickly and can help when you get stuck or need advice. Good resources for this are the excellent #lwjgl irc channel on freenode.net (very friendly ppl). This forum is OK and you should also use http://www.javagaming.org

finally you may instead wish to use a library on top of lwjgl as lwjgl is very low level. For 2d games have a look at Slick2D http://slick.cokeandcode.com and for 3d look at http://www.jmonkeyengine.com/ or http://www.ardor3d.com . All 3 of these libraries have very helpful communities too.

hope that helps a little.


Wow, thanks! I am happy to see a website that is helpful with this stuff. There aren't many sites that help you to learn about java 3d stuff like openGL.