Where are the glTexCoord Integer Commands?

Started by CuppoJava, May 13, 2009, 20:42:23

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I can't find the glTexCoord2i, glTexCoord3i commands, used for accessing texture pixel coordinates directly.
I'm wondering if there's a specific reason why these commands weren't included in LWJGL.


Looks like it was omitted originally because it was an arcane use (we omitted quite a few GL command variants, eg. anything that took doubles), and lately omitted accidentally, as they should be present now.

Cas :)


Thanks for the reply.
I investigated further into what glTexCoord2i actually does, and it seems it was omitted for good reason. Unlike what I guessed, glTexCoord2i doesn't actually specific pixel coordinates directly. It still accepts only a value from 0 to 1. Which is obviously useless.


Well, generally useless, yes - but you could have some funky stuff going on with the texture matrix, repeating textures, shaders, etc.

Cas :)