Env3D - an educational 3d engine for learning OOP

Started by BatKid, June 27, 2007, 18:55:41

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Hi all,

First of all, I would like to thank all of the lwjgl team and everyone on this forum.  Great software and an even better community!

I am an educator in computer science and I'm also a big fan of 3D gaming.  For the longest time, I have been dreaming of using a simple 3d engine to teach OOP concepts.  A couple of years ago, I stumbled across the lwjgl library and it seems to be a very good fit for what I wanted to do - a 3d library in Java that provides good performance!

After a couple of years of (on and off) development, I have finally came up with something that I could use in my teaching.  I called it env3d (http://env3d.sourceforge.net) and it is right now tied to the BlueJ IDE.  Feel free to visit the website and give me some feedback!

Once again, thanks for all the great work! 

   Env3D (http://env3d.org): Learn Java in 3D
   WhaleChat (http://whalechat.com): A 3D social programming experiment