Does lwjgl support Solaris?

Started by renanse, April 26, 2007, 16:18:47

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I've seen Solaris mentioned several times in offhand comments and at least once in the changelogs of a release (1.0beta).  Does lwjgl run on Solaris?  Are OpenAL and jinput also supported?


As I mentioned on IM, it's not "officially" supported. However I believe that its easy to get it running on solaris, and so we only need someone with an Solaris installation to verify this.
The same thing goes for BSD.

Of course, lwjgl is dependent on the natives being compilable/released on the platform too. So if OpenAL, FMOD and DevIL doesn't compile/run - then there is no point in LWJGL for those platforms (unless you only use OpenGL).