LWJGL 1.0 beta4 Released

Started by Matzon, November 19, 2006, 07:51:05

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As always, consider donating if you like LWJGL.

Unless someone decides to mess something up, this is considered to be the final beta in preperation for 1.0 (finally!).

applet test libraries are signed by lwjgl and includes fmod binaries that are used for demonstration purposes. You should only use the signed fmod lwjgl libs if you comply with the fmod license.
Applets are known to work in Firefox and Internet Explorer. Opera crashes for unknown reasons.

* Mac now completely universal libs
* AWTInputAdapter allows applets to access normal LWJGL input
* Added "DX10" Nvidia OpenGL extensions
* Signed jars available in webstart extension: http://lwjgl.org/jnlp/extension.php
* Signed jars available for applets in the     lwjgl_applet-1.0beta4.zip package
* Miscellaneous fixes

The webstart extension can be used using the following code:
<extension name="lwjgl" href="http://lwjgl.org/jnlp/extension.php" />

For info on using applets, check the wiki:


A small note about the signing: It is not "LWJGL" that signs the libraries, but Oddlabs ApS. It was impossible to get a signing certificate for an unformal organization such as LWJGL, so we decided to use my company as signer instead, as a reasonable compromise. Our goal of signing is primarily to get rid of the "scary" dialogs, I'm sure that neither the name of Oddlabs nor LWJGL wouldn't make any difference as to whether any real users would trust the applet/webstart app. So if you're a "serious" developer, you'd consider using your own certificate anyway, regardless of the signing name we use.

- elias


Another note about AWTInputAdapter: It's quite tricky to get LWJGL style input working properly (especially the grabbing of the cursor) in AWT in general and in applets in particular, so don't count on the AWTInputAdapter interface and implementation to be stable just yet, unlike the rest of LWJGL. So if you don't like that, consider AWTInputAdapter to be "invisible" for now :)

- elias


I just tried using AWTInputAdapter, and got the following:
java(25673,0x18b0c00) malloc: ***  Deallocation of a pointer not malloced: 0x50dce0; This could be a double free(), or free() called with the middle of an allocated block; Try setting environment variable MallocHelp to see tools to help debug
Invalid memory access of location b0c89b38 eip=b0c89b38

So I'll stick to the code I had for now :)
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Got any stack trace for that? And on what OS does this happen? And can you post the program that failed, or at least the part of it that failed?

- elias


There was no stacktrace, sorry. I'm on MacOS X 10.4.8 (Intel).
I just did a quick test with placing the AWTInputAdapter.create(this) in the constructor of my AWTGLCanvas extension, and replaced part of the input code with the lwjgl Mouse and Keyboard classes. This was in my Bubblomania applet btw, when running it from my IDE which starts it with sun's AppletViewer. I didn't do any further tests...
Bubblomania - free, online, cute and psychedelic arcade game!
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Fool Running

QuoteUnless someone decides to mess something up, this is considered to be the final beta in preperation for 1.0 (finally!).
Whooo hoooo! 8)
Nice work guys
Programmers will, one day, rule the world... and the world won't notice until its too late.Just testing the marquee option ;D


fmod works great for me now on intel mac os x ! \o/

thank you guys, great work!
