How to find a usable pixelformat?

Started by elias4444, August 02, 2006, 14:44:35

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I really like forcing at bit of anti-aliasing on the user if I know their system can handle it - I just like knowing that they're having a certain level of visual quality when playing my games. I noticed though, that when I specify:
Some older graphic chips just can't handle it. Now, I know how to find the best number of colors possible (displayBPP), but how to find the best case scenarios for the other numbers?


The problem with enumerating over a list of PixelFormats is that you might force the Gfx to use a format that isn't quite suited for that card and you end up with bad performance.

The solution is to catch the LWJGLException and attempt to re-create the display with a different format (i.e. one without FSAA).