Java 5 Release 4 for Mac is out!

Started by miu, April 19, 2006, 14:01:38

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After 7 (!) Developer Previews, Apple's update to Java 5 is officially out.

It makes Java 5 the "preferred" (default) version on Mac OS X.

According to this it should also appear in the Software Update. That didn't to work for me, perhaps because I had one of those Developer Previews installed?

Can someone verify this? It would be quite important since previously Mac Java updates weren't distributed via Software Update.


it seems that it made J2SE 5.0 as default for me.
i used to have symbolic links to java/javac commands from ~/bin to wherever J2SE stuff is located,
but i don't need those any more to use J2SE environment.


Thanks for your reply, numberR!

Making Java 5 default worked for me, recent DP releases did that too.

I didn't see this Java release in Mac OS Software Update however. Linked Macworld article said it should appear there. That would hopefully make most users unaware of Java update their installation, and game developers would have a little less troubleshooting/explaining to do.

Did you install via Software Update or you downloaded your .dmg from Apple's site?


i installed it via software update.
but i had J2SE Release 3 or 2(not a developer preview release) installed, so it may be the reason why i saw it as update on software updater.

however, what i feel from release note is that apple now seems to be willing to move toward to J2SE 5.0.


Thanks for this info, sounds great!

It took a while to get Java 5 to the forefront. Actually, Java 6 is around the corner, Sun's Beta's out and the final release should ship in the fall.

I'm wondering if Apple will only release Java 6 for the upcoming Leopard OS, like they did  with Java 5 and Tiger...