Cygwin bash commands for text examples

Started by kwutzke, March 08, 2006, 20:07:14

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Does anyone know why none of the shell commands on

works in Cygwin bash shell?

The closest are the Linux commands (as expected) and give the same results:

java -cp .:res:jar/lwjgl.jar:jar/lwjgl_test.jar:jar/lwjgl_util.jar:jar/lwjgl_fmod3.jar:jar/lwjgl_devil.jar:jar/jinput.jar: -Djava.library.path=/home/lwjgluser/lwjgl/ org.lwjgl.test.WindowCreationTest

Both give me a NoClassDefFoundError...

On Win shell (yuck) it all works with the string displayed on the example web page...

Anyone know what could be wrong?