Maybe a touchy subject!

Started by CaseyB, July 18, 2005, 21:40:24

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First let me say that I am amazed at what you guys have done and how much better it works than anything else I've seen!  everyone I know is already sick of hearing about lwjgl and I only found out about it Friday!  :D

That being said, how is the controller/joystick bit coming?  I understand there are some cross-platform issues, but that addition would make this Library absolutely FANTASTIC!

Keep up the awesome work!



The controller code has been comitted, and will be available in next release.


AWESOME!!!  Great Work Guys!  Thank You!


If you would like to toy around with it right now, check this thread:

If you have any suggestions or anything like that, feel free to post em in that thread.


I keep getting the above excpetion because it says that the signer of the org.lwjgl.input.mouse class is different than other classes in the project, so I will just wait and play with it when the release comes out.  Any idea when that will be?