Lwjgl and Mac Mojave

Started by nbilyk, November 13, 2018, 20:59:20

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I'm using Lwjgl, and after updating to Mojave, it seems that the glsl is no longer working with #version 100.

In my logs I get "Supported GLSL language version: 1.20"
It's a new laptop, it worked before Mojave, and the same shaders compile in webgl, so I'm wondering if anybody else has hit this, and if it might be part of their deprecation of opengl?



There has never been an actual GLSL #version 100 in OpenGL for Desktop. What you are referring to with WebGL is GLSL for OpenGL for Embedded Systems (OpenGL ES) which WebGL derives off of, which uses #version 100 for OpenGL ES 2.0. The first GLSL version in OpenGL for Desktop was introduced as #version 110 with OpenGL 2.0.


Ah thank you!  Is there a way to do one version for opengles and one version for desktop?  (That part I can figure out on my own now that I have the right direction)