Window.update() causing crash

Started by smitty1276, June 27, 2004, 06:07:01

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I just started toying with LWJGL, and I think I like it.

I'm having some problems however... when I run my app it crashes with an "Abnormal program termination" messagebox.  If I comment out the Window.update() call in my render() method, it will work.

Any idea what I might be doing wrong? If this weren't my fault, I assume someone else would have mentioned it.


It may not be Window.update() afterall (or anymore, whichever you prefer).

Check this out...

This is one of my methods...
private void render() {

    GL11.glTranslatef(0.0f, 0.0f, -250.0f);
    GL11.glRotatef(rot, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    GL11.glColor3f(0.7f, 0.3f, 0.3f);
    theSphere.draw(25.0f, 15, 15);

    rot += 1.0f;
    System.err.println("End render... Rot = " + rot);//**


rot is an instance member variable. When I give it no access-specifier (package access), the program crashes with a blank window and the System.err.println ends up printing "End render... Rot = 100.0" EVERY TIME!!!  If I change the increment value to 2.0f, it reports that rot = 200.0.

Basically, it crashes after 100 frames every time, without displaying a thing.

Interestingly, it DOESN'T crash if I comment out the Window.update() line.

Here's where it gets weird...

If I add the public access specifier in front of rot's declaration, the program runs great.  It displays my little rotating sphere, and runs until I tell it to stop... rot's value has been in the thousands with no problems.

What could be causing this?


can you post the full source code? - this sounds weird.
What OS ? Graphics card and drivers?


Definitely sounds like some memory corruption problem. Are you using buffers anywhere?

- elias


I think it's resolved... though, I'm not sure exactly why it's resolved.

I'll get back to you if anything like that shows up again.