Is a LWJGL animation possible?

Started by p0wnyou1, November 19, 2013, 16:04:19

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Hello there,

I am currently looking for a way in Java to make an animation. I know that Minecraft has a bow animation, and I have seen a file named LWJGL.jar in the bin folder a few times, so I thought I'd just ask here. Is it possible to make an animation with Java/LWJGL? I am trying to make a really simple first person shooter, and I would like to have the guns, and maybe the bullets animated.
If it's possible, could someone please give me some simple examples?

Thanks in advance,



It is very possible, however I warn you that it will not be "simple" to make any first person shooter. There is a lot of complex maths you will not have encountered before, not to mention the knowledge of computer graphics that you would need. Do not try to make a first person shooter for your first game. Start off with pong, snake or something similar. If you're still here after that try a 2D side scroller.

On that note, LWJGL is only: Java bindings for OpenGL, OpenAL and OpenCL along with windowing utilities and some other utilities. From your post, I'm guessing that you won't know what any of these things are, which makes me question whether this library is for you. By all means give it a go and as for starting off, check out the LWJGL wiki here: That'll get you started. After that you'll need some more general OpenGL tutorials.

If LWJGL is not for you, I suggest you look into LibGDX or JMonkeyEngine.


Well , it depends on the kind of animation you might want to implement , but basically , an animation is just moving (translating OR/AND rotating ) groups of vertexes every tick to get the appropriate motion
Skeletal Animations (you could save different vertex groups in matrixes ) & Keyframing