OpenGL 3.x Tutorials (Java)

Started by 8Bit_Jedi, May 17, 2013, 19:04:31

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Hello everyone,

I know my subject line is a bit broad but let me clarify:

  • I need OpenGL 3.x tutorials written in Java, if not in Java it should atleast not contain any GLM library or other.
  • Reason is I need to know more about the Matrix math for FPS cameras etc., something that does not contain xxxLookAt() functions.
  • I know of [] but he/she uses GLM and that those damn lookAt functions.
  • I have checked the LWJGL tutorials The Quad with Projection, View and Model matrices but it does not include the amount of math needed for mouse and keyboard interaction

I'll use lookAt functions if I must, as long as they work with OpenGL 3.x matrix and projections calcs.



Best video tutorials I could find, he also uploads all source to github.
For anything else I would go to the lwjgl wiki
They have a lot of good tutorials.



Figured out my camera problem:

Tutorial problem on page:,_View_and_Model_matrices.

At the bottom of the page at code section Application after line: 107, there is a missing statement: projectionMatrix.m33 = 0;
If you use camera tutorials like Lloyd Goodall [], it doesn't work the camera just dollies around some point in front of it, making you scream why in angre >:(.

Took me a week to notice that missing statement, because I read the lwjgl tutorial and typed out the complete code given at the bottom of the page.

Who do we inform about the missing statement on the tutorial?


I have updated the wiki page on your behalf, but I have not checked it, so I hope you are right.