Block potentially unsafe weirdness

Started by Kdovi, May 19, 2012, 13:26:52

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first of all, this is the first applet I'm ever trying to get to behave, so please bear with me.
I have been using one free web host for testing purposes. When I have the applet there, everything is ok. I get just the Run/Cancel dialog, which is fine.

However, when I upload exactly the same files to different free web host, where I want the final version to be hosted, I also get the "Block potentially unsafe components" dialog, which is not that big of a deal other than it is rather confusing for many people who know only few English words (because you have to click "No" to launch the applet). Also it is for little children, so the fewer things they have to click on, the better.

Any ideas as to why this is happening and if/how I can prevent that?

(It's using the LWJGL applet package, Slick and my game's .jar, all without me fiddling with signatures)


You've applet is using multiple certificates (your own self signed one and the lwjgl one), you should use only one, either delete the LWJGL certificate (delete META-INF folder) and sign everything with your own certificate or rely only on the LWJGL certificate and use unsigned jars for your own content (and thus your jars should work only inside the java sandbox). Do remember for each certificate you have you'll get a dialog, so best to use just one.


Thank you for the quick reply.
I'm sorry, I have uploaded the wrong .jar. I've uploaded the correct (clean) one now. However, the "problem" persists. On this hosting everything behaves as expected, while on this hosting (which I want to use), I get this extra dialog:

Now, it seems that even if I press the Yes button, everything works as it should, so it's not really such a huge deal, it's just confusing the heck out of me. I have made sure again that the files are absolutely identical. Java complaining about combining signed and unsigned code should have nothing to do with the hosting, right? I have tested this on 3 computers and the behavior is identical. I'm sure it is something super stupid that I am overlooking.