SunstormEngine released

Started by mstWeal, November 28, 2010, 02:43:41

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Hello everyone,

finally, after about 2 years of learning and development the time has come for the first release of my game engine based on LWJGL :-) I didn't really know where to post this, I tought in the past I've seen a sticky thread for projects. I would be very happy if you guys would take a look at it and tell me your opinions.


Regards, Alex


hey nice!  you should consider making your Space Demo into a Web Start app (i.e., .jnlp), and then it could be added to the demo's here since it's all open source under gnu.
cool story, bro


I'm pretty amazed out how little code was necessary for the Space Demo using the engine.  I wish the javadoc was on your website though, like this:

Also, this only happened once, but this strange lighting thing occurred (see attached screenshot).  Then when I closed the program and reopened it, it was fine.  Not sure if this was due to the randomness of the initial position or what.
cool story, bro


Thanks for your feedback. No problem, I've put the JavaDoc online:

The strange lightning I have never seen before. Finding that bug would be extremely hard. Maybe it's not even a bug but a hardware or OS problem. If it does not appear again it won't be a problem.

About making the Space Demo a Web demo: I don't think it's mature enough. Actually you can't really "play" anything, you can just fly around. But it's a good idea, maybe we can do that when it's a little bit more progressed.

By the way: Should anyone be interested in either helping to program the engine or create an actual playable demo it would be very welcome *g*