Opening Up AllBinary Game Development Kit

Started by tberthel, June 13, 2010, 07:00:45

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I have decided to open up the AllBinary Game Development Kit and possibly Freeblisket E-Commerce Solution as well.  It uses LWJGL under other 3D projects that are integrated with it.

I will offer the use of my AllBinary Game Development Kit in exchange for adding your games/apps to my site.

AllBInary Game Development Kit info:
( It doesn't load quick or everytime.)

It will focus on J2SE (Applet or JNLP), J2ME, and Android since those are the platforms that my
AllBinary Game Development Kit supports.

Does that seem reasonable?

(My sites currently take a while to load. You may need to reload them as well. I will fix this before opening up.)

AllBinary Application Store:

E-Commerce Info:

I ported my Freeblisket E-Commerce program to GAE along with my main site
and example E-Commerce sites.. Darts, Guns, Mobile Games and such

My old E-Commerce site and example sites to GAE:

Sure it's not pretty, but I think you get the idea. Payments, Inventory
Control, Authentication, and much much more along with my AllBinary Game
Development Kit.

What I have left:

1. Make it faster (That will fix the reload issue as well)
2. Update the downloadable item stuff (Add developer user)
3. Single Sign On optionable

Thanks for your input.