One more FreeBSD request: AppletLoader changes

Started by monty_hall, April 01, 2010, 14:17:19

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Per the previous topic. thanks for the changes:,3103.0.html

There is one more change, about including freebsd in the applet loader.  I've included a patch file.  Currently,  use freebsd and linux interchangeably.  This is a problem.  Under the linuxulator, the linux jvm(yes I have 2 jre/jdks)  will report  "Linux" and will expect linux binaries. However, the current alsa shipped will not work with the linuxulator.  Using a freebsd jvm will report "FreeBSD" but will expect freebsd binaries.

The linuxulator will use linux libs, using a minimal distro, and if not detected, will try to use freebsd libs in place.  freebsd expects all to be native.  In otherwords, the freebsd jvm will not allow linux libs - java halts with errors.  
