What's coming in the next version of LWJGL?

Started by mot, September 27, 2009, 22:53:36

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Hi, I'm curious - what will the next version contain? I know I could check the CVS logs or something but I was hoping somebody could sum it up in a few words and perhaps also mention things that are planned, for the next version and for the future.



- OpenGL 3.2 support
- method to detect if mouse is Inside or outside the lwjgl window
- special mode (switched on via command line) to allow mouse coordinates to be reported outside the lwjgl Display.
- Alpha Blending Icon support on windows
- tons of fixes for applets
- lots of bug fixes
- fixes to make lwjgl work on new versions of ubuntu and win64
- plus a few more things i can't remember now.

Fix every reported bug :) (please provide patches)