Problem with the installation

Started by Zombiedevice, November 27, 2008, 21:56:32

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I'm using Eclipse to run the installation for the LWJGL source, and I did the whole tutorial, but every time I try to run it, it says:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: lwjgl/jar
Exception in thread "main"

And I know what that means, I just don't know what the main class is. The tutorial doesn't say.


you are trying to run lwjgl.jar as a class or something??

normally you'd do something like: java -cp lwjgl.jar;lwjgl_test.jar -Djava.library.path=native/win32 org.lwjgl.test.SysTest


Not any more. But any class I try to run in the WIKI gives errors?...

Does this have more features than jME? Because so far it doesn't seem better at all.


you really need to read up on what LWJGL is ...


lol... dude, how are you planning to develop a game (one of the most involved programming problems) if you can't read basic specs...