LWJGL Eclipse Plugin available?

Started by Jens v.P., July 18, 2007, 14:07:28

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Jens v.P.

OK, I have build an update site ;-)

Name: Gef3D

old location
URL:    http://www.informatik.fernuni-hagen.de/pi3/jens/gef3d/update/
new location:
URL:    http://www.informatik.fernuni-hagen.de/pi3/personen/pilgrim/gef3d/update/

This site will maybe not available in the future! Maybe it could be "moved" to org.lwjgl someday.
- Help / Software Updates / Find and Install...
- Search for new features to install
- New Remote Site, data as above
- Install features from that site

Note that the link above could not be openend with Safari. It's primary purpose is to be used within Eclipse, but it can be browsed with Firefox, too.

The site contains two features:

- org.lwjgl - 1.1.0
  * jars and native libraries
  * documentation (javadoc)
  * source code
  * test viewer

- org.lwjgl.optional - 1.1.0
  * FMOD component (w/o fmod libraries)
  * DevIL component

I have fixed some minor bugs, I think that source code and documentation is now automatically retrieved.

Note that this is an Eclipse plugin and it is only useful when developing other plugins! In order to "use" the plugins, you will have to create a "Plug-In Project" and add the main plug-in (lwjgl.org) to the list of required plugins in your "MANIFEST.MF".
If you are interested in Eclipse support for developing plain Java applications with LWJGL, you have to implement a plugin extending JDT (with new actions like "Run as LWJGL application..."). This is not part of the plugins I assembled!

In order to test whether everything worked fine, simply open
   Windows / Show Views / Others... --> Other / LWJGL Test View

I have developed and tested the plugin with he following settings:
- Eclipse 3.3, Windows XP
- Eclipse 3.2.2, Windows XP
- Eclipse 3.2, Mac OS X

As the update site is available now, I have removed the plugin archive (lwjgl-plugins.zip) I refered to in a recent posting.


Thank you!

We can move it to the lwjgl site fairly quickly, but I would like to get some scripts to go with all of that. It would also be great if someone could look into the Extend JDT thing. I have no idea how much work that involves. However I think that most people do not create plugin projects - so a JDT would probably be nice.


Quote from: jpilgrim on July 26, 2007, 14:26:27
Note that this is an Eclipse plugin and it is only useful when developing other plugins! In order to "use" the plugins, you will have to create a "Plug-In Project" and add the main plug-in (lwjgl.org) to the list of required plugins in your "MANIFEST.MF".
If you are interested in Eclipse support for developing plain Java applications with LWJGL, you have to implement a plugin extending JDT (with new actions like "Run as LWJGL application..."). This is not part of the plugins I assembled!
Ah, thats why it did not worked for me. I tried to use it with my JDT LWJGL Projects. It would be very nice if this would work as jdt project to and still have the "run as lwjgl app" :)

Jens v.P.

The update site I provided moved to a new location:

Name: Gef3D
URL: http://www.informatik.fernuni-hagen.de/import/pi3/personen/pilgrim/gef3d/update/

I modified the URL above accordingly. Also, the latest version of LWJGL (1.1.2) is now available via that update site. Since the URL has changed, you cannot use Eclipse's update mechanism, you have to remove elder versions instead.

@Matzon: I've sent an ANT script to info@lwjgl.org. This ANT script automatically creates all necessary features, plugins and even the update site based on the archive files of LWJGL.


yeah, I got the package - I just dropped the ball a bit since Quake Wars demo came out  ;D


jpilgrim can i use the plugin on eclipse 3.2.2?
Will works good or have some error(s) yet? I will use on WINDOWS XP!
I see on the LINK, that has 2 types of plugins, the "optional" and the "other"... who you recommend to use?


Jens v.P.

@scbasso: I think it should work with 3.2.2, too. The plug-in provides just the original LWJGL stuff packed into an Eclipse plugin structure, so you don't have to care about native libraries and stuff, also sources and documentation is made available automatically. I don't think that there are any errors in the plugin structure, and yes, it works with Windows XP.
The "optional" plugins are simply LWJGL's optional stuff, which is found in lwjgl_optional-1.1.2.zip (if you download LWJGL from the LWJGL's download location). You don't need that if you just want to use OpenGL.
Since installing the plugins is quite simple, I'd suggest you install the plug in using the update manager of Eclipse (see my posting above) and try it on your own.