Help!Installation problems.

Started by horizon_w, November 28, 2006, 02:51:15

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hi everyone, I'm the  freshman with LWJGL, yesterday I downloaded the LWJGL 1.0 beta 4 from the source forge, and installed it on my computer as it written on the, but it not work!  My OS is Windows XP, after I unpacked the LWJGL , I tested the LWJGL by opening a command prompt as flowing:
java -cp .;res;jar\lwjgl.jar;jar\lwjgl_test.jar;jar\lwjgl_util.jar;jar\lwjgl_fmod3.jar;jar\lwjgl_devil.jar;jar\jinput.jar;
   -Djava.library.path=native\win32 org.lwjgl.test.WindowCreationTest

but the out put is
  Exception in thread"main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLingError: no lwjgl in java. library .path

but I'm  sure I do the command promote under the LWJGL directory.
how can I slove the problem? what happened with that? Hope I will get help from U.


if you type 'dir', do you get these directories: doc, jar,res,native ?
you need to be in the root folder, so that the statement:
-Djava.library.path=native\win32 points a valid folder from current working dir


thanks for ur reply, I  do in the root folder of LWJGL, so when I type dir ,I can get the  docãâ,¬Âjarãâ,¬Âresãâ,¬Ânative  directionies.  but wht I excute the command promote,it not work, how can I slove them? Can you tell me how to slove that? thanks a lot


are you using windows xp 64bit ?
we only supply 32bit dll's


thanks for the reply, but is there any way I can slove that?


you can solve it yourself by compiling it using using the platform_build/windows_ant that you will have to modify for 64bit.
You're on your own with that though


thanks for ur  help and  words inspection :wink:


Hello :
I have the same problem:

C:\ProyectosJava\Librerias\lwjgl-1.0beta4>java -cp .;res;jar\lwjgl.jar;jar\lwjgl
jar;-Djava.library.path=native\win32 org.lwjgl.test.WindowCreationTest
The following keys are available:
ESCAPE:         Exit test
ARROW Keys:     Move window when in non-fullscreen mode
L:              List selectable display modes
0-8:            Selection of display modes
F:              Toggle fullscreen
SHIFT-F:        Toggle fullscreen with Display.destroy()/create() cycle
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no lwjgl in java.libr
       at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
       at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)
       at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
       at org.lwjgl.Sys$
       at Method)
       at org.lwjgl.Sys.doLoadLibrary(
       at org.lwjgl.Sys.loadLibrary(
       at org.lwjgl.Sys.<clinit>(
       at org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.<clinit>(
       at org.lwjgl.test.WindowCreationTest.initialize(
       at org.lwjgl.test.WindowCreationTest.main(

El volumen de la unidad C no tiene etiqueta.
El número de serie del volumen es: B84F-D993

Directorio de C:\ProyectosJava\Librerias\lwjgl-1.0beta4

29/11/2006  21:14    <DIR>          .
29/11/2006  21:14    <DIR>          ..
29/11/2006  21:14    <DIR>          doc
29/11/2006  21:14    <DIR>          jar
29/11/2006  21:14    <DIR>          native
29/11/2006  21:14    <DIR>          res
              0 archivos              0 bytes
              6 dirs  33.043.611.648 bytes libres

but i have a windows 32 bit


Quote from: "Nishart1"Hello :
I have the same problem:
You are missing a space between .jar;-Djava.library.path, it should be:
jar; -Djava.library.path

dont know if that is the issue too with the above poster?


Thanks for your help Matzon. this run now thanks