How can i find out lwjgl beta2 source?

Started by kaidu, September 29, 2006, 04:50:42

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I'am making game (by lwjgl,jme)

I have to modify lwjgl beta2 javasource ..

I fount out lwjgl-beta1,beta3 javasourcesource in svn

but I couldn't find beta2-javasource in svn

How can i find out the lwjgl beta2 java source(not jar)?

ps : I want to write korean language(no english)  korean-english converter key on lwjgl (I'm korean)

could you advice or hint about this?

please :D

package org.lwjgl.input;
public class Keyboard {

//this add
public static final int KEY_KOREA          = 0x7A;



beta 2 was never tagged :/
so the best one could do is to use the approx. date at release