Could not find main class error

Started by sveitech, October 03, 2006, 13:54:34

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Im having problems getting LWJGL to work in eclipse. I have extracted the LWJGl files into c:\lwjgl and followed the short installation tutorial on the lwjgl-site. In the eclipse project I have created, I have included lwjgl.jar intto the library path, and set -Djava.library.path = c:\lwjgl\native\win32 in the "Run" options.

When I try to run the program I get and error window saying "Could not find main class. Program will exit".

Anyone knows what the problem is? I have been using lwjgl before, but thats over half a year ago. And it worked fine back then :P Thanks in advance for any help.

Fool Running

Sounds like you need to tell Eclipse which file to look for the main() method in. I don't use Eclipse, so I don't know how to do that :lol:. Maybe look in the project properties...
Programmers will, one day, rule the world... and the world won't notice until its too late.Just testing the marquee option ;D


As Fool Running allready stated, you have to tell Eclipse in which Class the Main method lies.