Draw on a quad then rotate

Started by Soulice, November 10, 2005, 17:47:20

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I am working on a radar screen.  I want to draw dots or stars, or whatever, on a quad then rotate the quad based on my avatars rotation/heading.  Can you draw to a quad like this?  

I know my avatars heading and the x and z (only moving in x and z, no y height movement) of all targets and the avatar.  Is there a better/alteranate way to do this.  I want to display dots ina 100px by 100px box.


You would want to do a GL11.glPushMatrix(), then roates the scene to match your avatars heading and draw all of the blips in this rotation and then GL11.popMatrix() to get back to the old Modelview matrix.


I have my scene rotating.  In the bottom right corener I have a small box that has blips corresponding to the x and z of targets.  Everything works, but doesnt respond to my avatars rotation yet.  Are you saying roate before I do my blips in the little box?



ok.   Only problem is, i am using a FontWriter class to draw to the screen right now.  Can I draw on a quad or something and rotate it?  If I rotate just before my write calls (to draw *) they disappear from the scene.