I managed to compile the LWJGL win32 part with the free MS command line compiler/linker. Here's what I did:
1. Fetched the tools from
2. Fetched the Platform SDK update from
3. Fetched the DirectX SDK from
4. Installed everything
5. Put this batch file into src/native/win32:
@echo off
set JAVAHOME=f:\j2sdk1.4.2_02
set ALHOME="F:\Program Files\OpenAL 1.0 Software Development Kit"
set EAXHOME="F:\Program Files\Creative Labs\EAX 2.0 Extensions SDK"
set COPTIONS=/I%DXHOME%\Include /I%JAVAHOME%\include /I%JAVAHOME%\include\win32 /I%ALHOME%\Include /I%EAXHOME%\Include /I..\common /O2 /nologo /c
set LIBS=dinput.lib dxguid.lib OpenAL32.lib alut.lib eaxguid.lib OpenGL32.Lib Version.lib user32.lib Gdi32.lib Advapi32.lib
for %%x in (*.cpp) do cl %COPTIONS% %%x
for %%x in (..\common\*.cpp) do cl %COPTIONS% %%x
for %%x in (..\common\arb\*.cpp) do cl %COPTIONS% %%x
for %%x in (..\common\nv\*.cpp) do cl %COPTIONS% %%x
for %%x in (..\common\ext\*.cpp) do cl %COPTIONS% %%x
for %%x in (..\common\ati\*.cpp) do cl %COPTIONS% %%x
cl /LD /Felwjgl.dll *.obj %LINKEROPTS% %LIBS%
6. Run it
- elias
Nice one. Perhaps you can commit it into platform_build and add a comment to the Wiki?
Cas :)
speaking of platform build - is there anyway we could get the makefile stuff out of src/native and into platform_build? Sure I know I am being anal about it, I just have this weird obsession about a clean directory structure :twisted:
I'd just like to add, that one needs OpenAL:
and EAX too:
or maybe link it in the wiki?
so, uh sticky/wiki :oops:
(cuz this is fun information for those CVS, latest release guys) :D
Been trying to get this to work. I am sure I have it set up right, but I am still getting errors.
Here is a sample from the commands that are being performed:
F:\Apps\Java\eclipse\workspace\LWJGL\platform_build\win32_ms_cmdline>cl "/IF:\Apps\DXSDK\include /IF:\Apps\Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003\include /IF:\Apps\Microsoft SDK\include /IF:\Apps\Java\j2sdk1.4.2_04\include /IF:\Apps\Java\j2sdk1.4.2_04\include\win32 /IF:\Apps\Creative Labs\OpenAL 1.0 SDK\include /IF:\Apps\Creative Labs\EAX 2.0 Extensions SDK\include /I..\..\src\native\common /O2 /nologo /c" ..\..\src\native\win32\org_lwjgl_Sys.cpp
and here is the error:
f:\Apps\Java\eclipse\workspace\LWJGL\src\native\win32\Window.h(51) : fatal error
C1083: Cannot open include file: 'windows.h': No such file or directory
I don't know why it can't find it, because /IF:\Apps\Microsoft SDK\include points to it.
Any suggestions?
that should probably be:
/I"F:\Apps\Microsoft SDK\include"
you have spaces in the path.
I had put quotes around the whole thing. I will try putting quotes around the individual entries to see if that works.
you should only put it on the items so that it becomes:F:\Apps\Java\eclipse\workspace\LWJGL\platform_build\win32_ms_cmdline>cl /I"F:\Apps\DXSDK\include" /I"F:\Apps\Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003\include" /I"F:\Apps\Microsoft SDK\include" /I"F:\Apps\Java\j2sdk1.4.2_04\include" /I"F:\Apps\Java\j2sdk1.4.2_04\include\win32" /I"F:\Apps\Creative Labs\OpenAL 1.0 SDK\include" /I"F:\Apps\Creative Labs\EAX 2.0 Extensions SDK\include" /I"..\..\src\native\common" /O2 /nologo /c ..\..\src\native\win32\org_lwjgl_Sys.cpp
but you should be able to just use the buildscript, and set the paths with ""s
this is my script:
@echo off
set JAVAHOME="C:\Java\jdk1.5.0"
set ALHOME="c:\Program Files\OpenAL 1.0 Software Development Kit"
set EAXHOME="c:\Program Files\Creative Labs\EAX 2.0 Extensions SDK"
set DXHOME="C:\Program Files\DX90SDK"
set PLTSDKHOME="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDK"
set COPTIONS=/I%DXHOME%\Include /I%PLTSDKHOME%\include /I%JAVAHOME%\include /I%JAVAHOME%\include\win32 /I%ALHOME%\Include /I%EAXHOME%\Include /I..\..\src\native\common /O2 /nologo /c
set LIBS=dinput.lib dxguid.lib OpenAL32.lib alut.lib eaxguid.lib OpenGL32.Lib Version.lib user32.lib Gdi32.lib Advapi32.lib
for %%x in (..\..\src\native\win32\*.cpp) do cl %COPTIONS% %%x
for %%x in (..\..\src\native\common\*.c) do cl %COPTIONS% %%x
for %%x in (..\..\src\native\common\arb\*.c) do cl %COPTIONS% %%x
for %%x in (..\..\src\native\common\nv\*.c) do cl %COPTIONS% %%x
for %%x in (..\..\src\native\common\ext\*.c) do cl %COPTIONS% %%x
for %%x in (..\..\src\native\common\ati\*.c) do cl %COPTIONS% %%x
cl /LD /Felwjgl.dll *.obj %LINKEROPTS% %LIBS%
del *.obj *.exp *.lib
copy lwjgl.dll ..\..\libs\
you could also try to use
but it has a even more complex setup :/
Quote from: "Matzon"you could also try to use
but it has a even more complex setup :/
No the other thing was the problem. You would think Microsoft's own compiler could handle long file names without quotes. I guess that is just the nature of the legacy of DOS.
You also need FMOD:
should only need fmod if you build the fmod binding?