I do some translation and zooming in a JAVA affine transform, what is the best way to use it in OPENGL (with LWJGL) ?
(I also use shaders)
Thank you,
You would have to extract the matrix from the affine transform and set it to your OpenGL shader. Unfortunately, as far as I know, you cannot get the matrix from the affine transform so...
Fortunately for you, translation and scaling matrices are very simple.
Translation : 1 0 0 tx Where the translation vector is (tx, ty, tz)
0 1 0 ty
0 0 1 tz
0 0 0 1
Scaling : sx 0 0 0 Where sx, sy, sz are the respective x, y and z scaling coefficients.
0 sy 0 0
0 0 sz 0
0 0 0 1
However a sound knowledge of transformation matrices is essential for advanced OpenGL so I would advice a bit of research. I found http://www.wildbunny.co.uk/blog/vector-maths-a-primer-for-games-programmers/ (http://www.wildbunny.co.uk/blog/vector-maths-a-primer-for-games-programmers/) to be an excellent starter.
Nice link.
I think I could extract the matrix using Affinetransform.getMatrix() function.
I guess I could send it to my shader then.
Sure you could. I must have missed that function (I did look through the javadoc). One thing to be careful of - make sure you get the column major / row major order the right way round.
This is working nicely, I ported all my code from Graphics2D to OpenGL.
I also discovered glScissor(), really simple to use for clipping regions.
Here a small video of the result:
That's great work for an OpenGL beginner. You would be shocked how many people have problems with this stuff.