Programming => OpenGL => Topic started by: sasmaster on August 16, 2012, 19:39:43

Title: Getting render context from PBuffers in multithreaded setup
Post by: sasmaster on August 16, 2012, 19:39:43
Hi All. I am trying to understand.Is it not possible to have a separate context in different thread? I am using PBuffer to render in a headless mode.Now what I want is to setup let's say 2 threads -each one with its own context acquired via its own PBuffer.Then I want to perform an independent rendering in both threads in parallel.
Currently I have it working only with one single thread.When setting 2 threads the gl calls in the second thread crush the process.
Am I talking about something which is not possible at all ?

Oops  ::), found the problem.Forgot to remove some statics which were involved in the GL calls.Now it works.