Programming => Bug Reports / RFE => Topic started by: stu90206 on August 19, 2011, 04:07:21

Title: [RFE] Text Input API
Post by: stu90206 on August 19, 2011, 04:07:21
Please read these first:

These describe how the input method works.

Please add a text input API so that LWJGL can work with the IME.

I think you should also add some APIs that can enable or disable the IME like SDL's SDL_StartTextInput and SDL_StopTextInput (please read this: http://wiki.libsdl.org/moin.cgi/Tutorials/TextInput ).

I think "on-the-spot" mode is the best choice for the game
because the game can decide how to draw the composition and the candidate list on the screen.

I am sorry for my bad English.
Title: Re: [RFE] Text Input API
Post by: daybreaker on August 03, 2012, 14:15:15
I bump this.


Minecraft is implemented on top of LWJGL and suffers from the lack of IME despite of its almost full localization contributed by the community.
Some issues should be fixed in the Minecraft part, but I think coordination in the LWJGL side is also required.
Since I'm not an expert on Java-based game development, I post the same issue on both Minecraft and LWJGL.
Please separate the issues correctly for each part, and fix them. :)
Title: Re: [RFE] Text Input API
Post by: Matzon on August 03, 2012, 23:45:47
I'll gladly apply the patch  ::)