OpenGL features of different OpenGL specification versions were "placed" to different classes, like GL11, GL12, GL13, GL14, GL15, GL20, GL21. Does this mean I have to lookup which version of OpenGL specification a feature is defined in before using it? Is there any solution to this problem?
Code like GL11.glEnable(GL20.GL_POINT_SPRITE) is really inconvenient.
Hope I am understood :-[
Yes the different versions have been placed in different classes this makes it easier to aim for a particular version of opengl.
You can however easily get around this in java using static imports.
example on using it can be found here
Quote from: javalwjgl on April 09, 2008, 12:15:00
Yes the different versions have been placed in different classes this makes it easier to aim for a particular version of opengl.
You can however easily get around this in java using static imports.
example on using it can be found here
Thanking you for replying.
It seems that I need to study the new features in java 5.