Programming => Lightweight Java Gaming Library => Topic started by: meix on August 17, 2003, 09:41:23

Title: Keyboard problem
Post by: meix on August 17, 2003, 09:41:23
currently I'm writing some Pacman-like 2D game with lwjgl, giving me a problem with keyboard / the Keyboard class(?).

Since I'm controlling the pacman with the array-keys I got lots of keyboard inputs.

The program itself works fine, however after two minutes or so Windows gives me its nagging beep with each key stroke, which it always plays when it want's to tell you that its keyboard buffer is full - while the program continues to work ok, except for the beeps.

Tried a lot of things - enabling / not enabling keyboard buffer, Keyboard.read(), destroying and recreating Keyboard... with no effect.

What am I doing wrong??
Please help.

Thanks a lot

Title: Keyboard problem
Post by: princec on August 17, 2003, 11:55:50
I think you might be missing a Window.tick() in your main loop to process unhandled O/S messages.

Cas :)
Title: Keyboard problem
Post by: meix on August 17, 2003, 18:10:36
Hallo Cas,

thanks for your response, which solved the problem.
I seem to recall I foolishly threw out the call to gl.tick() somewhere last week... :oops:

Best regards
