yep, while study the Hehe Examples ported to lwjgl i allways
saw a static init on top of every class
like this :
// GL variables...
public static final GL gl = new GL("lwjgl Test",0,0,800,600,16,0,0,0);
// GL context creation...
gl.create(); // Create The Opengl Context
catch(Exception e)
is there some deeper reason for doing it like this ?
For me unaceptable design.
What will happen is case the Contex could not be Initalized (Excpetions, ypes ) ?
Or for worst case the binaries, couldnt loaded ?
Sorry 4 asking so supid questions, but for integration i must have some more Info on that, because i plan to deploy it via Webstart.
thx a lot
PS: all in all the Design looks very well and clear ...like that :D
- Jens
No reason whatsoever - just the way the original did it...
You might just as well do it in somewhere else - no requirements!