
Started by JoshuaWarrior, June 21, 2016, 20:52:23

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LWJGL 3.0.0 SNAPSHOT build 90

Trying to build in Eclipse and get: "ThreadLocalState cannot be resolved to a type" in

Okay, very new and so I know I am missing something simple.


- check with a new simple test project in Eclipse that you can use java.lang.ThreadLocal
- build LWJGL3 first with Apache Ant. See the doc/
- use the provided Eclipse .project and .classpath files

As a side note: You don't really _have_ to build LWJGL3 from source in order to use it. Just download one of the ready-to-use distributions, or in case you use Maven/Gradle, add a dependency to org.lwjgl:lwjgl:3.0.0 .


If you're trying to build LWJGL 3 from source, then you need to run these ant targets at least:

- ant compile-templates
- ant generate

The ThreadLocalState class is a generated class.


Thank you so much.  The reason I am trying to build is because there are few class that I think should be in the build but are not.  No matter, I appreciate your input.