loading image/texture mapping in lwjgl.....

Started by padam1989, October 04, 2009, 15:46:18

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Hola everyone.

I have used slick-util to load images and play sounds. Its a really cool lib. Very easy to pick up and implement and is very effective. Here is how i loaded and mapped my images to BOX. I was just going through nehe tutorialshttp://nehe.gamedev.net/lesson.asp?index=02and wrote the lwjgl version of that. I am loading a png texture of wooden box.

If anything is wrong please do tell/comment !!!



Is there any way to format the code? Plain text line by line without any indented word is hard to read.

From what I've seen so far it looks ok :)


Quote from: Evil-Devil on October 05, 2009, 07:47:02
Is there any way to format the code? Plain text line by line without any indented word is hard to read.

yeah i have formatted the codes.


Is it my cache or does your blogsystem cache entries?
When i click your above link i still see the whole code as spaghetti code : /


Quote from: Evil-Devil on October 05, 2009, 12:26:56
Is it my cache or does your blogsystem cache entries?
When i click your above link i still see the whole code as spaghetti code : /

i don't know. I have updated my blog post again. U can check it agian.


Weird. Take a look at the attached screeny. Thats how i see the blog entry :/