Digital Wizard's Lab 2.0 - new 2D/isometric game framework preview

Started by Matt Merkulov, July 11, 2013, 23:41:06

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Matt Merkulov

DWLab 2.0 is open-source, free for commercial use LJWGL-powered framework for development of 2D and isometric games.

List of features:
* Projects with changeable logic frames per second rate and automatic FPS selection.
* Hierarchy of layers which can contain other shapes.
* Cameras, orthonormal or isometric, with definable viewports to display part of game field in areas of the screen.
* Sprites with various shape types: Pivot, Oval, Rectangle, Ray, Right-angled triangle, Raster and Template (sprite groups).
* Visualizers to display a group of sprites with same displaying parameters. Non-standard visualizers include raster frame, marching ants frame and debug visualizer showing collision shapes, vectors and names.
* Tilemaps with changeable position, size, tile indexes, wrapping, automatic enframing and pathfinding.
* Sprite maps to display sprites on huge level and check collision between them faster.
* Collision system of sprites, tilemaps, lines and sprites within layers with use of collision handlers.
* Physics: wedging off sprites, joints.
* Printing of bitmap fonts with variable letter length and alignment.
* Behavior models which can be attached to shapes, activated and deactivated.
* Graphs, pivots and lines with automatic pathfinding.
* HeightMaps with Perlin noise, blur, circle drawing and various painting methods to the tilemaps and pixmaps.
* Controllers system.
* Saving and loading objects with all contents to XML file (serialization).

Package includes smart world editor (yet Windows only) with following features:
* Creating hierarchy of layers.
* Creating, moving, resizing, changing order and modifying parameters for sprites of various types.
* Creating, importing, resizing, moving and painting tilemaps with tiles or tile blocks.
* Creating sprite maps and filling them with sprites.
* Creating and removing line segments.
* Grouping sprites into templates and ungrouping.
* Auto-replacement technique for tilemaps with tile rules editor.
* Collision shapes editor for tilemaps.
* Box2D physics simulation.

Here's the project site where you can download editor and library alpha version with examples pack: