Coasting controls

Started by jjones7947, May 18, 2005, 13:45:37

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Have built a camera class which processes all the key and mouse input, then feeding it to gluLookAt.  Works fine except that the view point continues to move when I release the key and/or stop mouse movement.  I am polling only at a time interval and bleeding off any buffered events.
What else do I need to do to get it to stop when there is no input.


first of all, you dont need to poll - the Display.update will do that for you.

Secondly you need to identify why the flag that moves your camera isn't being toggled off. It's hard to tell whats wrong, when it's a user error, rather than a Library error (at least, thats what it sounds like).


Assumed it was a user error, just didn't know which one out of all the possibles.  Think it has to do with assumptions I'm making about how gluLootAt works behind the scenes. Have to kill the transform that I'm passing in.