In desperate need of explicit help with VBOs

Started by k0myer01, May 29, 2004, 00:20:39

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Hello all,

First I must tell you that I am a JOGL user, but I can't get an answer that is clear enough for me on that forum, so I am hoping someone here has the patience to give a full and complete answer to this.  That poor Cas fellow tirelessly answered my questions in order to get me through understanding vertex arrays, and here I am again :)

I spent about 8 hours trying to decipher some online examples and finally gave up.

Anyway...let's use this scenario:

1) Trying to render one triange in white with normals
2) Use glDrawRangeElements()
3) Show me the code for declarations, init(), and display()

Thanks for your time.
eith Myers


I can't help you here meself because I've never done 'em. I wouldn't mind seeing a bit of example code so's I can bung it in my sprite engine though.

Cas :)