How to use FBOs

Started by bbjam, November 21, 2008, 07:23:59

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I am a OpenGL n00b, and I need a render to texture solution for my game engine. :)
It looks like lwjgl has some FBO stuf built in, but the wiki has nothing on the subject, could some expert tell me how to best set up FBOs for my needs.

The afore mentioned needs are: I would like to render the glowy stuff to a buffer, blur it and add it back to the main frame. I would also like to render some normals to a buffer and use them to distort the main frame(glass effects). Maybe there is a better way to do this the FBOs, I would not know.



PBO's are much easier with LWJGL I think, tough I've not really tested it.


Cool, thanks. But how do I use PBOs in LWJGL? Do I just look for a opengl PBO tut online, or is there a better, LWJGL specific way to do it?

Thanks, bbjam.


You should spend some time going through other Threads.

I only very recently attached an example to this thread,2745.0.html